Serving at Eastside

At Eastside Church we believe that serving God and our neighbors are at the root and heart of a holistic Christian life. We encourage everyone to find a place in the church and a place in the world where they can serve.
There are a growing number of ways one can serve at Eastside Church. Currently, our biggest need is for folks to help make our Sunday morning service of Word and Sacrament radically hospitable, powerfully engaging, and irresistibly compelling. This means volunteering to be a greeter, working with the kids, helping with the music & AV, creating art, serving communion, or any number of other opportunities.
If you already know how you'd like to get plugged in, send us an email. Otherwise, follow the links below to see how you can serve at Eastside.
Serve: Hospitality Ministry
Serve: Worship Ministry
Serve: Children's Ministry