Christmas Justice 2017

Eastside has maintained a yearly Advent tradition. Back in 2012, we began this tradition by challenging our new congregation to give above and beyond our regular tithes to a special Christmas Justice Offering. That first year we raised just over $12,000. Half of that first offering went to fund local work here in Atlanta, while the other half went to purchase goats for those living on the Haitian island of La Gonave.

That first year we were blown away by the generosity of our small, bourgeoning church community. Since then, our Christmas offering has continued to match the calendar year. In 2016 we raised $16,000. These gifts went to fund local work with the refugee community through New American Pathways as well as the teacher salaries in our partner community of Ti Cotelette, Haiti. As the years have passed, Eastside has continued to rise to the challenge, giving generous offerings to God’s amazing work of transformation in our world.

This year’s domestic offering will go to the local work of Lost and Found. Lost and Found exists to, “…end homelessness for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) and all sexual minority youth.” 60% of queer youth are rejected by their families and churches due to their sexual preference. Atlanta has roughly 950 queer youth staying on the streets each night. You can learn more about the important work of Lost and Found by CLICKING HERE.

The international portion of our offering will again be going to our work in La Gonave, Haiti. Specifically, this year’s gift will go to help construct a new cistern and water collection system in our partner village of Ti Cotelette. As you might imagine, access to clean drinking water is an ongoing struggle in the remote villages of La Gonave. This incredibly practical offering will serve to bring long-term, life-saving health and wellness to our southern friends. CLICK HERE to learn more about the La Gonave Haiti Partnership.

So please join us! We are yet again seeking to practice resurrection this Advent and Christmas season through our offering.100 gifts of $170, 130 gifts of $130, or 170 gifts of $100 will get us to our goal. Participate in whatever way you can. We can do this! In fact, invite your family and/or friends to participate in helping us accomplish our goal! Share this page on your social media feeds. Tell co-workers about it. Prayerfully consider how it is God is calling you in the final days of 2017 to generously participate in the ongoing work of the Kingdom come in our world today.

CLICK HERE to give today!