Scripture Interpretation Class

greek bible// Meets four Saturdays this fall at 10am at the church
// Sept. 14th, Oct. 12th, Nov. 9th, Dec 7th
// David Carr, a Phd candidate in New Testament Studies at Emory University will teach this class on basic scripture interpretation.*
// This is a great opportunity for anyone who’d like to learn more about reading & interpreting our sacred text
// Cost is $20** which covers the cost of the book. Registration is required by Sept 7th
// Click here to register
// Contact David with questions:

*A bit about the teacher: David has received an M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary, and completed a Th.M. in New Testament Studies from the Candler School of Theology. This fall he is beginning the Ph.D. program at Emory University in New Testament studies, with a secondary concentration in theology. He has served as a teaching assistant for several New Testament classes at Fuller, and is in the early stages of the candidacy process (Deacon track) in the North Georgia Conference of the UMC. David is married to Maria Carr who works with homeless people to help them find housing and employment. They have two sons Isaiah and Joshua who like to fight evil by way of special Power Ranger tactics and who refuse to eat/sleep at the appropriate times (respectively).

**Please don’t let money be an issue for you to attend this class. Contact Trent Lloyd at and we’ll work something out.