2nd Anniversary Party

Eastside 2nd Ann Party

Join Eastside Church on August 11th, from 4pm-7pm at McKoy Park for our 2nd Anniversary Party. We’ll be grilling out, playing some games, and celebrating our first two years as a church!

The main dish will be provided by Oak Grove Market as well as beverages and novelty desserts by Dean Foods, but we still need YOU to bring the side-dishes. So cook up so-and-so’s famous recipe and share it with us!

Please bring bring some lawn games – ladder golf, corn hole, frisbees, etc. – for everyone to enjoy.

Open to all – past Eastsiders, current Eastsiders, and future Eastsiders – Invite friends and neighbors to come and celebrate with us!

RSVP on Trent Lloyd on Facebook

We need lots of volunteers to make this event a success. Sign up at Volunteer Spot below.